Handlebar Bags
Heading off on an epic multi-day bike packing adventure, you want to try and remove as much weight from your body as possible and keep anything you can on your bike. Frame bags and saddle bags are all well and good, but handlebar bags are perfect for holding anything you might need to keep close to hand when out in the hills. Stashed with additional food, drink, mobile phone, keys and other supplies you might need on the move, handlebar bags are worth their weight in gold on long-haul journeys.
The additional weight over the front end can also help to stabilise your bike at speed, preventing the steering from feeling too twitchy with all that extra weight on board. Our range of handlebar bags has been selected to offer a huge range of sizes, styles and price points so you can be sure that if you’ve been looking for the ideal handlebar bag for touring, gravel riding or bike backing, you can be sure to find it here.