Bike Saddles

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Of all the contact points on a bike, saddles are without doubt the most important thing to get right. While it’s fairly easy to ride with a set of uncomfortable grips or a handlebar that is too wide, riding with a saddle that you just can't get comfortable on is just a plain no-no.

Bike saddles are very personal and there is no one-saddle fits-all sadly, we’re all just too different for that to be the case, but thankfully we stock a huge range of MTB and road bike saddles to suit all body shapes and riding styles. Our saddles are available in a massive range of sizes and styles with differing lengths, widths and amounts of padding with sporting pressure relief holes or channels and some preferring to go with a fully flat top. We have everything from superlight, sub-150g road racing saddles through to super comfortable padded seats for casual cyclists and tourers that help to prevent that numb-bum feeling at the end of your ride. We stock the biggest brands known for their saddles, so if you have a favourite brand you like to stick with chances we’ll have something for you!