Forks & Rear Shocks

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Key parts of the overall suspension your bike, forks and rear shocks help to nullify the impact of the rugged terrain and loose materials like tree roots, rocks and manholes while out on your bike.

Designed to help save weight, improve control and to create a more comfortable ride; a new set of forks can make a real difference to the way your bike handles in comparison to the rear shocks that affect how it rides. New road and MTB forks are developed to be fitted quickly and easily so that you can make the all-important changes and get out on your bike to feel the difference.

Rear shocks, on the other hand, are designed to stop the vibrations from causing bruises and numbing to the backside! As all riders will be too aware, riding over tree roots, manholes, potholes and rocks can be very painful and can even through you up and over the handlebars in some extreme cases. A good set of rear shocks can help to iron out the bumps in the road or trail, allowing you to enjoy riding and to arrive without feeling tired or in pain!

Here you'll find an extensive range of forks and rear shocks, along with some essential accessories like seals and oils which will allow them to move freely and easily to negotiate the uneven ground so you can press on.