Bike Pedals
Who knew a lot of new bikes don’t come with pedals? Yes, believe it or not a large number of modern bikes don’t come with pedals included. This means there’s a good chance if you buy a new bike you’ll need to add some pedals to the equation if you don’t have a pair already. The good news is we have a huge range of pedals to suit all riding styles, bikes and preferences.
Whether you're an experienced rider with a die-hard preference for clipless pedals or you're not fussed at all about what pedals you want - you just want some - we can help you to find a great new set of bike pedals that fit your needs, bike and budget.
From clipless MTB or road bike pedals that give you enhanced control even over rough terrain, to flat pedals that look great and give you a fast and easy way of bailing out if you need to, we can help - and all of our bike pedals come from the best brands which means they're extensively developed, tested and trusted by riders the world over.